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Why Chiropractic?

What is it?

The word Chiropractic is Greek with the literal meaning to practice or treat by hand.

Chiropractic therapy is a hands on, drug free alternative to treating, adjusting and helping almost any joint , muscle and nerve related conditions.

Chiropractic care can optimize the immune  system, nervous system, healthy spinal growth and many more. Chiropractors evaluate and fix misalignments in your spine that cause nerve distress. With Chiropractic care, not only can you optimize the nervous and immune systems, but also a healthy spinal growth.

Besides sport injuries, accidents, and spinal care, chiropractic specialists can treat the strain that is caused by our day to day habits eg. Improper posture

The benefits of chiropractic care extend to general health issues, as well, since our body structure affects our overall function.

What conditions do chiropractors treat?

Chiropractors care for patients of all ages, specializing in a variety of health conditions, like neuromusculoskeletal disorders. They are mostly known for their expertise in caring for patients with daily disorders like back and neck pain, headaches and spinal manipulation. They also treat patients with different kinds of injuries and disorders of musculoskeletal system, involving the muscle, ligament and joints. The nervous system is affected by these conditions and it can cause referred pain, discomfort and distant dysfunction.

The benefits of chiropractic care extend to general health issues, as well, since our body structure affects our overall function.

Chiropractic care for animals:

Chiropractic care for animals offer additional options in diagnosing and treating conditions. Animals can also suffer from VSC (Vertebral Subluxations Complex), also known as Subluxations, that can cause limitation of movement, muscle imbalance and dysfunction of the nervous system, Chiropractors aim to correct and restore the condition.

Chiropractic has shown itself skilled in treatment of daily disorders such as headaches, hip, back, joint pains and paraesthesia. Chiropractic is for all ages. A lot of people are unaware of the benefits that chiropractic treatment offers.

Why is my spine important?

Your spine runs down the center of your body from the base of your skull to your tailbone. It serves many important functions including:

  • Protecting your spinal cord and related essential nerves which make up the central nervous system.
  • Giving structure and connection for your hips, legs, shoulders and arms.
  • Serving as an attachment to muscles that enable movement.
  • Providing a framework and support for skull and ribs.
  • Because the spine plays such a key role in the functions of the body, it is easy to see why proper spinal care is important to your overall health and wellness.

The benefits of chiropractic care extend to general health issues, as well, since our body structure affects our overall function.

Frequently Asked Questions

Will veterinary chiropractic treatment hurt my animal?

A chiropractic adjustment is a very specific, low force quick thrust along the plane of the joint that helps to get the joint moving again. Adjustments influence bones, muscles, tendons and ligaments. They do not hurt your animal. Only subluxated vertebrae are adjusted.

How can a veterinary chiropractor adjust something the size of a horse?

Even though horses have a very large, thick muscle mass over the spine the vertebral joints are flexible and relatively easy to manipulate with minimal force. If the correct technique is used the ligaments are not adversely affected.

How can chiropractic care help my animal?

All animals can benefit from chiropractic care, just like humans! Since the ultimate goal of the adjustment is to allow the nervous system to run at 100%, chiropractic can have an impact on nearly every function of the body. Common problems that are helped by chiropractic treatments include:

  • Neck and back pain               
  • Limping and lameness
  • Muscle spasms or weakness; paralysis
  • Post-surgical recovery
  • Disc problems
  • Jaw or TMJ problems, difficulty chewing
  • Injuries from slips, falls, and accidents
  • Chronic illnesses like allergies
  • Bowel, bladder, and internal disorders
  • Arthritis and stiff joints
  • Changes in behavior, mood  
  • Avoiding being touched or held
What can I expect during my pet’s treatment?
  • Most animals enjoy being adjusted!  
  • I use my hands to palpate, or feel, the joints and their movements.  
  • If a correction is needed, a gentle and specific thrust is applied.  
  • Sometimes a cavitation (“pop” or “crack” noise) will be heard as the joint releases, but not every time.  
  • Licking and chewing, yawning, and shaking off after a correction is a good response.  
  • Areas of misalignment may be tender, but the animal will usually tolerate it—and feel much better afterwards!
What can I expect after the treatment?
  • Most animals, especially dogs and cats, give a full-body shake off.
  • Following the adjustment, many owners report that their pet is more tired than usual, and takes a nice long nap or sleeps the night through. This is because their body is taking time to heal.  
  • Your pet may be sore for 24-48 hours, similar to having a deep massage or a physical therapy session.
  • Usually within a day or two you will see the effects of the adjustment and your pet may be more energetic than usual!  
  • Depending on the case, some animals may need follow-up adjustments.